wayne scheer
Alvin Rothstein thought of his wife. He wished he didn't because he was on top of Corva Glickman at the time.
He lifted himself on his arms so he could get a better look at Corva. The way her oversized breasts flopped and fluttered, shivered and swayed; this, he knew, was sin; this was adultery. The thought excited him.
He pressed harder into her, ready to bring his illicit adventure to its completion. But she was having none of that. Wrapping her legs tightly around him, she pushed and thrust, refusing to let go, even after he released his passion in a quick spasm of pleasure.
Alvin felt like a little boy made to smoke a whole pack of cigarettes so he'd never smoke again.
He tried praying to God for help, but instead he saw his wife's face again, laughing. "This is what you wanted, no?"
"No," he shouted. "No."
"Oh yes," Corva shrieked. "Yes! yes!"
After teaching writing and literature in college for twenty-five years, Wayne Scheer retired to follow his own advice and write. He's been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and a Best of the Net. Some of his work has appeared in Notre Dame Magazine, The Christian Science Monitor, flashquake, Flash Me Magazine, The Internet Review of Books, Eclectica and Skive Magazine. Wayne lives in Atlanta with his wife and can be contacted at wvscheer@aol.com.